Thursday, February 27, 2014

Here goes....first blog post

Well, hello. My name is Ashley.
I'm not quite a crunchy mama, but I do appreciate many aspects of it.
So I'll say I'm chewy.
I'm also a little bit of a geek.
Just a little. <3 <3

I have an almost 4 y/o sassy little girl,
learning to write her name right now.

 I also have a feisty 9 months old girl,
practicing Baby Led Weaning and cruising all over the place.

We dabble in American Sign Language via Signing Time.

Our noisy little furbaby is Peanut.
Well, he's not exactly little...
but he's a Min Pin/Chihuahua mix so he should be.
Poor guy needs a diet.

I'm a slacker and need to be held accountable for my household, so that's where this comes in. I SHOULD be cooking (clean eating, here), crafting with and for my girls and my hobby "business", and putting all those Pinterest pins to use. Let's get to it!

Hopefully Sabrina will be joining me on this adventure shortly :]

In the meantime....I can't quite say what will be in this space. Kids, food, crafts...hard to say.

Basically mommy life in our own special ways. Feel free to share your own, or whatever else you want, below!